Spam Prevention
To prevent bots from sending your email, your website will be protected. You will see a security symbol at the bottom of your contact page, and that means your site is protected.
Sending Contact Messages
Suppose a visitor, let's call them Ron, sends a message to Scott on Scott's website.
Ron will immediately see a notification that their message was delivered.
Additionally, Ron will receive an email letting them know the delivery was successful. This is what it looks like to Ron:
If Ron clicks reply, that message will be sent back to Scott's email address.
Receiving Contact Messages
Now we know what it looks like when our visitor, Ron, sends a message. So let's show what happens when Scott, the website owner, receives the message.
If Scott clicks reply, that message will be sent back to Ron's email address.
Email Delivery
Both the visitor, Ron, and website owner, Scott, will be notified by an email address called This is because Wild Ink cannot impersonate, aka "spoof", by sending from Scott's or Ron's own email address.
But if either person clicks the "Reply" button and sends a message, that message will be sent directly to the other person's email address. Optionally, Scott can copy Ron's email address from the message body in the notification email that was sent to Scott and use it to start a new email thread.