What is a Sales Funnel?

Map your reader's journey to guide them from first impression to purchase.
Written by Colleen Riordan
Updated 2 years ago

A funnel is the customer journey that someone would take from first hearing about you through to purchasing.

The AIDA funnel is the classic breakdown, which you can learn about here. When you look at that article, think about what is the first step someone would take, then the next, and the next, to get to purchase. It's easy to overcomplicate it, but at its core, it's just about increasing someone's understanding and desire for your product until they purchase it.


  1. See a video of you sharing nonfiction tips on Facebook
  2. Click to your website.
  3. In your popup, they enter their info to grab your freebie on nonfiction writing and signup for your email list. 
  4. Now on your email list, they read a great, valuable email about the topic and learn you also offer coaching. 
  5. They click the coaching link to visit your coaching page and read about your offer. 
  6. They purchase. 

The reason it's called a funnel is because you'll have more people involved at stage one, but some will lose interest, forget, or realize it's not for them. At each step, less people move forward, but the ones who do are most likely to be interested in purchasing your offer.

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