How to Turn an Image into a Link

You can turn any image into a clickable link. 
Written by Colleen Riordan
Updated 2 years ago

You can turn any image into a clickable link. This includes creating buttons for any page on your website.

First, right click on the image in your text editor. This will make a link menu popup. (How to Embed an Image in the Text Editor)

Next, Click on the Link option in the popup menu. A dialog box will appear. 

In the URL field, paste the link you want send visitors to when they click on the image. Then, click the blue save button.

Your image will now work as a clickable link. 

To publish it to your site, now click the blue save button at the bottom of the editor. 

TIP: You can double check your link by right clicking again on the image in your text editor. The popup menu that appears will now include additional options to Remove Link or Edit Link.

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