Add a New Book

How to add a new book to your website
Written by Colleen Riordan
Updated 1 year ago

1.  Click on the Books tab in your sidebar. This will open your main books section.

2.  To add a new book, click the button "Add New Book."

3.  A new title will be added to your list with the temporary title "New Book." Click on the new book to open the editor for that book. 

It will look like this:

4.  Simply just go down the list of fields adding any relevant information you have. Change your title, add the publishing date, purchase links, book cover, blurb, and more. 

Any field you leave blank simply won't appear on the published webpage. 

5.  Finally, hit Save to publish the changes to your website.

If you are not ready to display the book on your website, you can click the checkbox marked Drafts at the top. The book will remain as a draft until you uncheck the box.

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